What is the PTA?
The Lang Ranch PTA is a non-profit managed by parent volunteers. At Lang Ranch Elementary the PTA plans, operates, and funds many of our school's programs. 100% our profits go back to our students and school. Some of the many initiatives we fund include our PE specialists, which enable our students to have PE three times a week, the specialists for bi-weekly art and maker space (STEM) classes as well as supplies, specialists for weekly music class, field trips, reading programs and incentives, assemblies, and classroom assistance (we give each teacher $17 per student for any classroom needs). With upcoming budget cuts, the school is heavily relying on the PTA to help as much as we can to ensure our children continue to receive top-quality education. We are a 501(c)3 charity and all donations are tax-deductible. Our EIN is 77-0485809.
Meet the Lang Ranch PTA Executive Board
Our PTA's Executive Board oversees the various committees, maintains the budget, and provides practical support for our school, including everything listed below and more! Come to the PTA general meetings to learn more and meet our executive board. Our current leadership and contact information is listed below. Feel free to contact us with any questions!
Interested in open board positions? Contact us at langpta.president@gmail.com!
President Rachel Hundley
Executive Vice President Leanne Gardner
First VP of Programs Carly Hackbarth
2nd VP Ways & Means Lauren Cohen langpta.vpwaysandmeans@gmail.com
3rd VP of Membership Melissa Rubin langpta.vpmembership@gmail.com
Recording Secretary Sydney Burrington langpta.recordingsecretary@gmail.com
Treasurer Stephanie Cosaro
Financial Secretary Andrea Loveless langpta.financialsecretary@gmail.com
Historian Kanela Artavia
Jill McAnear |
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